World Pulses Day 2020

World Pulses Day 2020 Guidelines

How to Hold an Official World Pulses Day Event


World Pulses Day is a designated United Nations global event to recognize the importance of pulses (chickpeas, dry beans, lentils, dry peas and lupins among others) as a global food. It has been proclaimed on February 10 of each year since 2019 by the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 20, 2018.

This celebration is a recognition of the decisive role that pulses can play in achieving the comprehensive, far-reaching and people-centred set of universal and transformative goals and targets of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, a plan of action that seeks to strengthen universal peace.

What can you do for World Pulses Day?

First, encourage people around the world to eat pulses on February 10, 2020.

Anybody can participate in any corner of the globe and share their World Pulses Day event with the rest of the world by linking to LovePulses either by posting information about your event on social media and using the hashtag #worldpulsesday and/or #LovePulses or emailing us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Register your event by contacting us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Share information about the event/happening/creation with the LovePulses campaign: either upload content using #worldpulsesday in your posts or email it to us directly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  • A day featuring pulses served at your facility or with your family
  • Corporate lunch with employees and partners
  • Seminar/Symposium/Lecture
  • A dinner with friends
  • A meal at a restaurant
  • Donations of pulses
  • A song or video (or other artistic creation) in honor of pulses or your favorite pulse-based meal

Where can an official World Pulses Day event take place?

A World Pulses Day event can take place anywhere. Here are a few examples of locations:

  • Restaurant
  • Company facility
  • Someone’s home
  • Event venue
  • School or University
  • Public area

What kind of event can a World Pulses Day event be?

  • A family reunion
  • Private party with friends
  • Corporate party with employees and partners
  • Seminar/Symposium/Event
  • New Year’s party
  • A meal at a restaurant
  • Donations to a local food bank of pulses
  • A song (or other artistic creation) in honor of pulses or your favorite pulse-based meal (many were recorded on Pulse Feast 2016)

What are the requirements to be an official World Pulses Day event?

An official World Pulses Day event can take any shape and be organized by anyone in the world as long as it meets the following four requirements:

  1. Pulses must be on the menu or featured in your event/creation (any type of pulse, any type of meal, any type of cuisine, any type of catering)
  2. Make reference to World Pulses Day using the hashtags #worldpulsesday and/or #LovePulses
  3. Be registered with us (contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
  4. Create exclusive content (videos or photos) and share using #worldpulsesday and #LovePulses in your posts or emailing us the content at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

How can I share my official World Pulses Day event with the rest of the world?

  • Use the Twitter hashtags #worldpulsesday or #LovePulses.
  • Capturing images of my event: any visual material that can be shared in social media will be of great use. Take pictures!
  • Talking about my event: you can write a blog post before and after the event talking about why you are involved in celebrating pulses in 2020
  • Recording parts of my event: any type of video content (edited and non-edited) showing what your event looks like can be sent to us to be uploaded on social media platforms. (#LovePulses @lovepulses is on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest and

It is very important that you take in consideration any Intellectual Property Rights:

Do you have consent? Get consent from anyone being shown on a video before featuring them (including parental consent if showing children)

Have you considered copyrights? Streaming artwork, logos, songs in the background, could be an inadvertent infringement of someone else’s intellectual property rights so keep this in mind.

What are the guidelines for promoting my World Pulses Day event on Social Media?

Official hashtags: #worldpulsesday #LovePulses
Handle: @LovePulses


Examples of tweets:

  • Let’s make this year count — Eat pulses on February 10th #worldpulsesday
  • I’m pledging to eat more pulses in 2020 and hosting a #worldpulsesday event on February 10th
  • I’m having a #worldpulsesday event by eating pulses on February 10th
  • I #lovepulses and so do my friends so join us on February 10th and watch our #worldpulsesday event in celebration of #worldpulsesday

We will be using a social media aggregator, to centralize all World Pulses Day events on a single page with information coming from users all over the world across all social media platforms.

How can I get help to organize and promote my World Pulses Day event?

Coordinating with the GPC IYP secretariat is essential to make sure that we can continue the momentum of 2016. Make sure you contact us throughout, and don’t hesitate to ask our guidance if you have any doubts.

Please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions, and don’t forget to use the secretariat to promote your pulse-related activities, including your launch event:

  • STEP 1: Submit your event by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • STEP 2: Include our websites and social media channels on your event website if you have one:
  • STEP 3: Share your news. Send us your launch related news and hashtags to include in
  • STEP 4: Share your event material (video, photos, posts) and we will prepare share it on our TINT page.